Hire An Intern!

Hire your interns now to find that work-life balance again.

Have trouble balancing your caseload and marketing at the same time?

Want help but not sure where to start to make it happen?

​​Drowning in finding resources for clients and having writer’s block in creating copy to bring in new clients?

Wanting to mentor someone in their journey and help them learn from your trial and error?

Want to complete more projects but need someone to collaborate with?

If this sounds like you, let’s find a way to work smarter, not harder, and hire an intern!

I really enjoy helping therapists like yourself determine what you need help with, knowing your strengths, and hiring someone for their strengths in other areas.

You want to find a balance between marketing to new clients and working with current clients without feeling stretched too thin.

Together we can

  • Tailor your job /internship descriptions to your business needs
  • Fine-tune any job posting details to bring in ideal candidates
  • Prep for the interview process
  • Narrow down the candidates for the best fit for you
  • Collaborate on an internship handbook of best practices
  • And determine a great onboarding routine that fits your schedule.

Hire your interns now to find that work-life balance again.

Work with someone

that has hired

multiple rounds of interns and built the process

from the ground up

I was feeling overwhelmed in balancing everything I needed to do for my business and growing a caseload, then everything I wanted to do for the future felt too much for just one person.

I tried keeping up with trends in social media and marketing but started to feel burned out from information overload. I sat down and wrote out every single thing I was doing for my business and realized why I felt like I was missing out on time with family and friends and working way too long hours.

I decided to take my life back and find a work-life balance that fit me and my needs. Bringing on interns is easily the best thing I’ve done for my business. Not to mention, I’ve enjoyed mentoring future therapists and marketing personnel to feel confident in their career paths.

Major truth bomb: You can’t do it all, you’re not a superhero.


Schedule your hiring interns strategy call with me and together we can:  


Work on the details

Tailor your internship descriptions to meet your business needs and how many interns you may need. Fine-tune any job posting details to bring in candidates, each business is unique.


Prep for your interview

Prep for the interview process so you feel confident on the other side of the table. Narrow down your candidates for the best fit for you. This can be tough, there are many great candidates out there.



Work on an internship handbook

Collaborate on an internship handbook of best practices. You want to cover all your bases and make sure your interns can make informed decisions for your marketing.

Prepare for onboarding

And determine a great onboarding routine that fits your schedule. We can determine all you want to train the intern on to be as thorough as possible.

So, you’ve got questions for me…


Why would I work with you when I could find an intern on my own?

Sure, you can set up a whole hiring system on your own. But it’s a lot easier when there’s a framework you can follow and get help for your business that much quicker. Accountability works wonders.

Will I really be able to find an intern? Why would they want to work with me if I’m just starting my business?

Yep, I’ve hired multiple rounds of interns and taught others to do the same. Interns love to learn! They’ll likely appreciate that you’re learning and collaborating on building the business together. Bonus- Most students do internships for school credit which they need in order to graduate. So it’s a win-win.


  • Access to my exclusive Google Drive full of job descriptions
  • Lawyer approved Intern contracts
  • Interview questions
  • Onboarding and offboarding checklists
  • And an intern handbook template for purchase

What you can expect working with me

Mentoring and hiring interns without stress, all nighters and asking yourself ‘What do I do now?’

Help focusing on the goals and steps of the hiring and and interviewing processes

Someone to help set you up for success and hold you accountable

Fine tune internship descriptions, narrow down candidates, and collaborate on a thorough handbook for the interns



Acces to my exclusive Trello board full of job descriptions

Intern contact templates

Interview questions

Onboarding and offboarding checklists

Intern handbook template for purchase

Why hire interns right now?

There is no better time to bring on interns than in the summer when your caseload is slimmer and you have time to train and mentor. Having interns during your busy season is a timesaver and it never hurts to have an extra hand. For the interns, you’re helping them work on their school-life balance and gaining experience for their future careers.

You’re also helping them get closer to graduation.

This service is for you if you:

  • are having trouble with creative energy to come up with marketing strategies
  • are not social media savvy
  • want to mentor someone that wants to be in the therapy field

This service is not for you if you:

  • aren’t motivated to put in the backend work to find an intern that suits your business
  • not willing to do the tasks assigned
  • don’t want to mentor someone and only want help, consider a virtual assistant

After thinking about your current work-life balance… you realized you needed to do a hiring intern strategy call to get the specifics on how to succeed with your business and use your strengths rather than being spread too thin.


Before: you may be feeling overwhelmed, drained of creative energy, burned out, doubting your business and marketing skills.


After: you will feel relief, a good work-life balance, and likely even re-invigorated after mentoring an excited intern that dreams of what you’re currently doing.


How is this different from other mentoring services?
  • It’s more personalized
  • 1 on 1 calls
  • Review intern descriptions, and consult on the hiring process together
  • Giving you support the whole way!
What is the investment?
  • Mentor Calls are currently $99 per 50 minute call.
  • This includes: personalized internship descriptions, brainstorming of what tasks you need to offload and how to delegate them, access to the Trello Board with internship descriptions, internship agreements, onboarding and offboarding checklists, interview and exit interview questions, handbook outline, tips on how to interview, find applicants, build an application form, and train your new interns.
Do you offer a payment plan?

No, calls are at beta pricing at this time.

When do I get access to everything included?

An emailed link within the week that you have a call to a Trello Board with your bonuses and personalized homework after each call.

What results do I get?
  • Confidence not only as an employer but also more confidence in your business so that you can focus on your strengths and the intern can work on theirs.
  • Gaining a better understanding of hiring interns for your practice
  • A better understanding of what the experience might be like for you
How do mentor calls work?

All meetings will be 50 minutes in length. You choose the days/times that work for you and pick the services you want to focus on below. Any follow-up calls outside the service can be discussed at a later date. All calls will occur via Zoom. Payment will occur through PayPal.

Imagine being able to assign the tasks that give you trouble, but are someone else’s strengths. Being able to mentor and guide communication majors or even those considering a therapist career path one day and sharing your knowledge and experience with them.

Let me overthink the hiring process for you!


Ultimately I want to help you feel as confident as possible!

Here are what people who have worked with me are saying:

“I contacted Rachel for assistance and ideas with marketing my private practice. Rachel not only answered my questions, but she went above and beyond my professional expectations. Rachel is a mastermind at marketing, organization, and business solutions. I appreciate Rachel’s competence and compassion and will continue to implement the strategies she outlined.”

Melissa Cammack, LPC

“Nervous about asking someone for help? Here’s a great icebreaker for you: go ahead and ask Rachel about how bright my eyes lit up after hearing about her idea for creating internship opportunities! I immediately hopped on board as I too share the same eagerness and passion for helping others and creating a team effort to work smarter, not harder. As Rachel walked me through the different processes involved, she presented with such great energy, compassion, and confidence. She explained things clearly and wowed me with her organization. If you’ve even considered taking on this type of role in your career, I highly recommend working with Rachel!”

Dr. Hannah Paull

“Rachel has been an invaluable resource, providing a unique approach, support and direction for my start-up. She has challenged me to look and think outside the box, and develop a creative strategy to ensure my business grows rapidly. She took the time to learn about my business and helped me recruit team members to support our current growth. I can’t recommend Rachel enough for anyone who is facing challenges or is in need of direction.”

Silvana Ebong APC NCC

“If you are wanting to get started with interns in your private practice, look no further! Rachel is a wealth of information and resources. It is evident that she has spent countless hours fine-tuning this process to make it as seamless and efficient as possible. She also shares the amazing resources she created to make it easy to jump in right away. Rachel is excellent at meeting you where you are and tailoring the discussion to fit your needs and business model. I have no doubt any private practice owner or therapist would benefit greatly by learning from Rachel!”

Taylor Warren Ed.S LPC

Let’s find you an intern that helps make your life easier.