New Therapist to Private Practice

Are you a new therapist to private practice?

Maybe you’re getting tired of having a small social media following and taking any client that calls you.

You might have an understanding of the basics of building your business but you’re not sure where to go next.

You want to improve your marketing without having to hire a whole team.

You know you have the potential to have more ideal clients and a full waitlist but you don’t know how.

You could keep spinning your wheels by trying to stand out in a therapist directory or niche down and make your website stand out.

Instead of throwing random ideas to the wall and hoping they stick, let’s cater to your specialties with consistency.

If this sounds like you, let’s find a way to work smarter, not harder, and improve your marketing skills!

I really enjoy helping therapists like yourself determine what you need help with and utilizing your strengths.

You want to find a balance between marketing to new clients and working with current clients without feeling stretched too thin.

Together we can

  • Analyze your content and marketing strategies
  • Review your elevator pitch and help to improve it to win over clients
  • Receive feedback on your website design and copy
  • Start or improve your email marketing and social media marketing
  • Practice consultation call role plays to improve your confidence
  • Identify and network with therapists that have different specialties

You want to find a balance between marketing to new clients and working with current clients without feeling stretched too thin.


Are you tired of your business not being what it could be?

Do you want your caseload to grow and get more eyes on your website?

Work with someone who has attended hundreds of courses covering marketing so you don’t have to!


Major truth bomb: The way you’re currently marketing yourself can leave you stagnant in your practice.

Together we can:

Create content

Regarding social media, soon you will be a pro at crafting flyers and graphics and enticing your ideal clients.

You can use social media to communicate your specialties effectively and reach a larger audience.

How to perfect your elevator pitch for networking

You have so much you want to say about your services, let’s find a way for you to showcase your them.

Learn to be concise and confident!

How to secure a consultation call for new clients

Let’s practice one-on-one to illustrate a productive and successful consultation call.

Display your expertise in empathy and communication skills.

Feedback on website design and marketing strategies

If you have a website, we will craft your message to your audience and solidify your brand’s theme.

If you don’t have a website, we can build a strong foundation to set the tone and attract your ideal client.

So, you’ve got questions for me…


Why would I work with you when I can attend those same courses?

Yes, you can attend other courses, However, it will be taking up precious client time. There is a framework you can follow and get help for your business more quickly. I’ve tailored the information to be applicable to therapists building their caseloads. Accountability works wonders!

I don’t have copywriter experience, how do I know I can do this?

You know your clients inside and out. You know their pain points and what they can be working on. Let’s use your established confidence of knowing your clients and writing to them.


Let’s help you…

Find confidence as a new therapist

Know the client and how to market to them

Navigate how to network tenaciously

Explore what makes you stick out in a competitive field and market.

Invest in your business and your future by scheduling a call with me


  • Sample content calendar
  • 30 days of marketing ideas
  • Template for networking
  • Goals for networking and who to contact

What you can expect working with me

Mentoring to secure your ideal client in your determined specialty

Help focusing on the goals and steps of the marketing and content creation process

Someone to help set you up for success and hold you accountable

Fine tune your elevator pitch and collaborate on who to network with, including next steps


Sample content calendar

30 days of content ideas

Template for networking

Goals for networking and who to contact

Let me overthink your marketing

for you!

I’ve done the research, and I’ve attended the lessons so you don’t have to. Let me teach you what I’ve learned instead!

I’ve been where you were with the struggling caseload. When I wasn’t networking, or reposting others’ posts, I was only bringing in at most 5 clients a week. A few years ago, I started to put in the hard work, networking, using better marketing strategies, and catering more towards my specialties helped to gain a full caseload.

Why invest in a mentor call now and improve your marketing skills?

There is no better time to work on marketing yourself and your specialties. Having the resources to support and build your career long-term is priceless.

Not only will you have great networking skills to interact and collaborate with other mental health professionals, you’ll also feel more confident in yourself.

Help set your future self on solid ground by investing in your business now.


This service is for you if you:

    • You’re motivated, ready to do the homework, and prepared to attend the calls
    • You’re willing put in the effort to see success
    • You’re ready to try something new in terms of networking and marketing

This service is not for you if you:

    • You are satisfied with a full caseload and you don’t feel the need to expand anymore
    • You’re content with your clients
    • You feel you have already peaked and you’re not willing to grow and stay up to date with the latest marketing trends

After thinking about your current work-life balance…

You realized you needed to do a hiring intern strategy call to get the specifics on how to succeed with your business

and use your strengths rather than being spread too thin.



  • You may be feeling anxious or inadequate. You’re hesitant to start and don’t feel tech-savvy enough.
  • Maybe you’re a recent graduate student wondering how you’re going to increase your caseload.
  • You’re getting trained in all the things but not actually deciding on your niche.



  • There is a weight lifted off your shoulders knowing how to increase your caseload without scrambling.
  • You feel confident, satisfied, and secure in your ability to market to your ideal client.


How is this different from other mentoring services?
  • It’s more personalized
  • 1 on 1 calls
  • Review intern descriptions, and consult on the hiring process together
  • Giving you support the whole way!
What is the investment?
  • Mentor Calls are currently $99 per 50 minute call.
  • This includes: 30 days of content ideas, a sample content calendar, networking template and ideas for whom to contact, brainstorm your ideal client and how to market to them, solidifying an elevator pitch, personalized assistance in reaching your goals in private practice.
Do you offer a payment plan?

No, calls are at beta pricing at this time.

When do I get access to everything included?

An emailed link within the week that you have a call to a Trello Board with your bonuses and personalized homework after each call.

What results do I get?
  • Confidence not only as an employer but also more confidence in your business so that you can focus on your strengths and the intern can work on theirs.
  • Gaining a better understanding of hiring interns for your practice
  • A better understanding of what the experience might be like for you
How do mentor calls work?

All meetings will be 50 minutes in length. You choose the days/times that work for you and pick the services you want to focus on below. Any follow-up calls outside the service can be discussed at a later date. All calls will occur via Zoom. Payment will occur through PayPal.

Hear from a few professionals I have worked with

“Rachel turned out to be a critical resource for me as a young therapist working in private practice for the first time. I had no idea where to start and I was oblivious to the business-related knowledge that private practice requires. In just a short time, Rachel offered me more resources, tips, secrets, and hacks than I could have hoped for. She obviously knew exactly what I was dealing with and that made me feel such relief. I owe it to my clients to be part of a well-organized business, and Rachel helped me get there.”

Laura A., MSW

“Rachel has helped me explore what private practice is about. Finding a niche is very important because it helps individualize you in the therapy world. She helped discuss why networking events are essential. Not only do you stand out to those who do not know your name but, it also helps with future referrals. I am thankful for individuals such as Rachel who provide education for those who are at the beginning of their careers. It is an important asset to future generations in private practice.”

Rachel Barlev, MSW

“When you approach a consultation call, the continuum of expectations can be overwhelming. You are not sure whether to expect results, challenges, brainstorming, etc. Rachel was very directive in helping to provide goals of the next steps to take. It was a miracle to show up with a “tornado of chaos”, yet walk away feeling that I have an idea of what I want to achieve. Rachel is very informative and has an endless list of resources! Despite feeling overwhelmed at each step, she has what feels like infinite amounts of suggestions. What stood out the most about my consultation call was Rachel’s humble and empathetic approach. She is extremely passionate about networking, marketing, and social media. Her authenticity and genuineness shows even over an hour Zoom call. Very grateful for her expertise and experience!”

Kirsten Williams APC NCC

”Rachel has been an instrumental part of my growth as a counselor and professional. She has started her career out strong and is a hard-working woman that is always willing to help others when they need it. She has put in a lot of work to learn and execute efficient ways to grow her practice and be available to clients.”

Alexi Johnson, APC

Imagine feeling confident about the content you post. By having a website that is professional with adequate resources, it speaks directly to your ideal client through blog posts that resonate with the audience. By gaining a solid referral network for your clients you will know how to answer any curveball questions and best recommendations


Are you ready to take that leap of faith?